Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Corie the Red-Nosed Banker

Somehow, I contracted the "crud" over the weekend. I felt it coming on Saturday morning. I still felt bad at the couples shower, but it wasn't at its worst yet. It has gotten progressively worse since the weekend. I am on severe cold medicine and took a generic Claritin this morning. Neither seem to be a match for this stuff.

I have been getting up to blow my nose overnight and haven't been getting much sleep. It's amazing how critical breathing is to sleep (and living). :-) I'm not sure what a doctor can do, but they may get a visit from me before the week is over. I don't get sick often (knock wood), but it usually hits when I'm stressed. Hmm, maybe planning a wedding and being made to start from scratch at work is to blame...

I blame work and Spaniards...more specifically, Spaniard bankers...maybe I'm allergic to mind-numbing Excel spreadsheets and Spaniard bankers...

Do they have a pill for that?

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