Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday night's RNC

You have to admit that the best part of last night's RNC was Fred Thompson's speech. While President Bush and the First Lady are inspiring speakers and the Reagan tribute was nice, Thompson really showed his personality and gumption. I had high hopes for Thompson during the primaries, but they didn't pan out. Some good parts of his speech last night...

"(Palin) has run a municipality, and she’s run a state. And I think I can say without fear of contradiction she’s the only nominee in the history of either party who knows how to properly field dress a moose…"

"Now, being a POW doesn’t qualify anyone to be president, but it does reveal character. "

"The Democrats present a history-making nominee for president, history-making in that he’s the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever run for president."

"Apparently, they believe that he would match up well with the history-making Democrat-controlled Congress, history-making because it’s the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation’s history."

"America needs a president who understands the nature of the world we live in, a president who feels no need to apologize for the United States of America."

Wednesday night's itinerary includes VP Candidate Sarah Palin's speech. Most coverage starts at 9pm Central.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I didn't see Thompson's entire speech, but the parts I saw were wonderful! And Sarah Palin was amazing tonight!! Of course the media will still find plenty of stuff to criticize.

I love the pictures from Chicago...glad you had a good time! Your comment about getting panhandled at Wrigley Field was so funny.....although I'm sure not at the time!